

March 24, 2008 :: The texture of Monday

Early spring for me has been all about new information, new friends (hello!), new music, new growth, new satisfactions, new projects. New is the new new around here for sure. Some things I'm digging, anew:
  • Curry Mondays at the Standard (though since last Monday was St. Pat's, it was Bangers and Mash Monday.)
  • Heirloom Seeds. They arrived today, along with a couple bonus gifts from the seed company - lemon cucumbers and an herb that I've heard of but have no idea how to cook with (and now can't remember the name of.)
  • Laura Veirs
  • Something to further fuel my love of Polaroids (and remind me of how sad it is that they're about to be extinct.)
  • Ancient bricks, buried deep in my yard. (a bit annoying when shoveling, but intriguing. My house has to be among the oldest constructions in the area, so where did they come from?)
  • The utter, ridiculous, music-geek joy that is Rhapsody. This thingy is kind of like having your own personal radio station with total control over the playlist and no over-caffinated DJs named "Scully" or "Crash." I shuffled Dave Brubeck, Rilo Kiley, Edith Piaf, M. Ward, the Weepies, the Eels, Blondie, GNR, Frank Black and old Dead Milkmen into one playlist Sunday. In fact, that's probably about what my personal radio station would play, actually.
  • Bulldogge puppies who can scratch on the door to let us know they need to relieve themselves (!!!)
  • Moneywort and Plumbago. Two plants that sound like diseases Victorian street urchins may be susceptible to.
  • The realization that in addition to being a great way to keep my sinuses from exploding, Claritin D is a fantastic appetite suppressant. It's not as if I'm hungry or not hungry, it's just that suddenly food has zero appeal to me. In evidence is the fact that I still haven't re-stocked my refrigerator since I had to dump everything after the tornado.
  • Handmade wedding bands from etsy.

1 comment:

Audrey Brown said...

Mmmmm, curry. Must get to city. Must leave Midwest!